Mvui "Minimum Viable UI"
import { Component, rx, h } from "@mvuijs/core"; @Component.register export default class CounterComponent extends Component { render() { const count = new rx.State(0); return [ h.button( { events: { click: () => count.next(v => v + 1) } }, 'Click Me' ), h.span(count.derive(v => ` Count: ${v}`)), ]; } }

=> Get Started => API Reference

Dear God Why Yet Another Frontend Framework? #

It’s Tiny #

Mvui is around 3000 lines of well documented and tested code with no dependencies. You could probably maintain it yourself if you had to.

Web Components #

You can mix and match Mvui with other frameworks as you see fit. Even though obviously you would never want to use anything but Mvui ;)

Fully Typesafe #

Have typescript yell at you in the templates - not just for props , but also for events and slots in your templates!

Fine-Grained Reactivity #

State is managed with a combination of Redux-like selectors for synchronous reactivity and RxJS-like operators for asynchronous reactivity.

Its JS all the way down #

Templates and CSS is defined using a simple javascript syntax. No special editor plugins needed for indentation, syntax-highlighting or auto-completion.

(Don’t fear the class) #

Actually, Mvui is mostly functional in its aproach. But you can do more traditional object orientation if you so desire.

Why you shouldn’t use Mvui #

  • The idea is that Mvui should be built for medium size web apps. Actually large applications probably need code structuring solutions and tooling that would far exceed the capabilities of anything that has “minimal” in its name.

  • There is no support for Server-Side-Rendering (SSR). You can use Mvui components in any CMS you want because they are just web components, but you can not pre-render components in a Next.js/SvelteKit/Angular Universal/Solid Start etc. kind of way.

  • It is not exactly battle tested - yet. Feel free to improve this :p If you want to get a taste of what Mvui can be used to build though, you can have a look at Wournal .