
Changelog #

0.0.4 - 2024-08-29 #

Breaking Changes:

  • Intermediate: The component lifecycle has changed to only render once on the first component mount instead of every mount. This means that render() functions will now only be called once per component instance. The new onAdded() method can be used to run code on every mount from now on. Please Refer to the documentation for more details.
  • Advanced: rx.derive no longer memoizes objects by default. Some derived state may therefore update more frequently.


  • h.foreach helper to render multiple elements from a reactive value. This was kind of possible previously by just using rx.derive or, but h.foreach allows skipping re-renders to retain focus. The idea is very similar to key in React or trackBy in Angular .


  • You can use Components as props and fields. Previously they were erroneously treated as Subscribable because they have a subscribe method.
  • The rx.fromEvent operator is now shared by default. This should at least slightly reduce the amount of active event listeners.

0.0.3 - 2024-08-04 #

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Component.pierceShadow. This feature was way too hacky and usage could quickly degreade performance. Hopefully browsers will allow overwriting Shadow DOM CSS natively in the future.
  • Renamed style.currentTheme$ to style.currentTheme for consistency.
  • Advanced: Removed wheel event from fromAllEvents. This means rx.bind will no longer update a value on a mouse wheel event.


  • Exported a few types you may sometimes want to import: Fragment, rx.OptionalProp, rx.PropOptions, rx.StreamInput, rx.StreamInterop, rx.StreamInteropRxJS, rx.ObserverDefinitionInterop.


  • Passing a callback function in a template would pass the callback directly to the next method of State, causing it to be interpreted as a transformation function.

0.0.2 - 2024-07-24 #

Working First Alpha Release

0.0.1 - 2024-07-23 #

Initial Test Release