
Asynchronous Reactivity #

Asynchronous reactivity in Mvui is achieved with the Stream primitive. (In fact, a State object is a subclass of a Stream) The idea is that a Stream represents an asynchronous, well, stream of data. For example, you can use the rx.interval function to create a stream of increasing numbers in a given interval, much like the JS builtin setInterval:

import { rx } from '@mvuijs/core'; rx.interval(2000).subscribe(console.log);

In general, Mvui’s asynchronous reactivity is very similar to RxJS. If you want more advanced resources and tutorials about asynchronous reactivity in Mvui, we strongly recommend that you look at some of the millions of posts, articles, books, etc. about RxJS. The only major differences to keep in mind is that Mvui is missing some of the more niche and advanced operators and the naming of the base classes: An RxJS Observable is an Mvui Stream, an RxJS Subject is an Mvui MulticastStream and an RxJS BehaviourSubject is an Mvui State. Having said that, this guide should still serve as a reasonable introduction to the basic concepts.

What really makes Streams powerful is the variety of operators that are provided. These are pure(ish) functions that transform the incoming data in some way, and they can be chained together with the pipe method of a Stream. Below is an example using the map and filter operators, which function like their plain JS array equivalents. The example also uses the take operator, which completes (more on that later) the stream after n values were emitted. The take operator is also a good example of a non-pure operator, because it obviously needs to store some internal state to keep track of how many values were already emitted.

import { rx } from '@mvuijs/core'; rx.interval(2000).pipe( rx.take(5), => n + 1), rx.filter(n => n !== 3), ).subscribe(console.log);

Fundamentally, there are two different types of operators: creation operators (such as rx.interval) which create a Stream and transformation operators, which transform an existing Stream with a function (like, rx.filter and rx.take). For a list of available operators, see the API docs .

With these basic concepts, you can build complex processing pipelines with little code. For example, you can process user events from an input, debounce them, make HTTP API calls and cancel old requests all in a few lines of code! This is an example we will discuss shortly, but for now take this as some motivation to read on further.

Hot vs Cold #

At this point it is appropriate to talk about how Streams are evaluated/run. By default, creating a Stream will do nothing until you subscribe to it. Think of this like a function call: When you define a function, it does nothing until you call it. In fact, the function analogy goes further: Each time you subscribe to a Stream, it creates a new “instance” of that Stream, much like calling a function multiple times will execute it multiple times (duh). This behaviour is typically referred to as a cold Stream.

import { rx } from '@mvuijs/core'; const myStream = rx.from([1, 2]); myStream.subscribe(console.log); // prints 1, 2 the first time myStream.subscribe(console.log); // prints 1, 2 a second time

Now, the existence of a cold Stream implies that there are hot Streams. And yes, they do in fact exist. Hot Streams can model something that persistently emits data not just when there is a subscription. For example, rx.fromEvent creates a hot Stream from DOM events, where data is shared between subscribers. When there is currently no subscription to the Stream, the data is simply “lost”.

You can create your own hot Streams with the rx.share operator and this will create a MulticastStream under the hood, but that is a topic for more advanced users.

Completing, Throwing Errors and Memory Leaks #

When you just run rx.interval(1000).subscribe(myFunction), the execution will never terminate. This can create unnecessary overhead and potentially even memory leaks. We have already mentioned this in our discussion of State in the previous chapter about synchronous reactivity. In this scenario, you should always take care of unsubscribing from the Stream. If you use that Stream in an Mvui template, Mvui will unsubscribe on component unmount for you.

What we only mentioned in passing until now is that Streams can complete their execution. Subscribing to a Stream that will definitely complete is safe and will not cause performance degradation of memory leaks. For example, the Stream rx.from([1, 2]) will emit the values 1 and 2 and then complete.

You can explicitly listen to the complete event in your subscription like so:

import { rx } from '@mvuijs/core'; rx.from([1, 2]).subscribe({ next: val => console.log(`next: ${val}`), complete: _ => console.log('completed'), });

Additionally, Streams can throw errors during execution. You can again listen to these in a similar way:

import { rx } from '@mvuijs/core'; rx.from([1, 2]).pipe( => { if (v == 2) throw new Error('hi'); else return v; }), ).subscribe({ next: val => console.log(`next: ${val}`), error: e => console.log(`error: ${e}`), });

What makes this especially interesting that operators can also listen for errors and handle them in various ways. For example, the rx.retry operator will, well, retry executing the Stream it is used in when an error occurs. Below is the same previous example except with one retry:

import { rx } from '@mvuijs/core'; rx.from([1, 2]).pipe( => { if (v == 2) throw new Error('hi'); else return v; }), rx.retry(1), ).subscribe({ next: val => console.log(`next: ${val}`), error: e => console.log(`error: ${e}`), });

You can also use the catchError operator to handle these errors yourself:

import { rx } from '@mvuijs/core'; rx.from([1, 2]).pipe( => { if (n === 2) throw 'four!'; return n; }), rx.catchError(_ => rx.from(['I', 'II'])), ).subscribe(console.log);