
@mvuijs/core / MvuiConfig

MvuiConfig #


    APP_DEBUG: boolean;
    PREFIXES: Map<string, string>;
    STYLE_SHEET_NONCE: string;

Type declaration #

Member Type Description
APP_DEBUG boolean Wether the app should run in debug mode. Currently the only effect of setting this to true is that components will flash whenever they update some Subscribable in their template.
PREFIXES Map<string, string> See configurePrefixes
STYLE_SHEET_NONCE string When mvui runs in a browser that does not support adoptedStyleSheets (basically just Safari), it will apply its styles as a <style/> tag instead. When doing so, you can configure the nonce attribute of that style object with this property. See for details.

Defined in: packages/core/src/globals.ts:4